Children’s Ministries
We believe that all children are made in the image of God and can be leaders.
Children are often overlooked or pushed aside, but at Grace Chapel, we take Christ's words seriously when he said, "Unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:3)
Therefore, we endeavor to place children high on our priority list, not only to care for them and make church fun, but to learn from their leadership.
Sunday Mornings
Children's Chapel
During 9:00am & 10:45am Worship
(K-5th Grade)9:00AM
Children will start the morning off in worship with their families. After a few songs and the children's moment, they will be invited to the children's area to learn more about the Bible story and play. We ask that grown ups walk their children to the check-in area after the children's moment.10:45AM
Children will check-in directly to children's chapel before worship begins. In children's chapel, they will have a time of worship, prayer, and Bible lesson. Plus, there will be plenty of opportunity for play and creativity.We do not have Children's Chapel on the first Sunday of the month as we celebrate Holy Communion. On these days, our children worship with us, reminding us that we are all one body of Christ together, regardless of age.
During 9:00 & 10:45AM worship
(Birth – Pre-K)During worship services, this is a place where your younger kids can go and be loved on by our nursery staff.
Please label any diaper bags, bottles, and sippy cups.
Volunteer with children’s ministry
Do you feel called to work with children? We are looking for people who want to learn about God alongside our children.
Email Sara, our Director of Family Ministries, to get involved. Come have your life transformed by helping the little ones lead!